15 Heartfelt Texts to Send Your Boyfriend After a Fight

15 Heartfelt Texts to Send Your Boyfriend After a Fight

Arguments and fights are pretty common among couples. However, some fights become worse. Sometimes, Texts to Send Your Boyfriend After a Fight However, this is not how it should be. No fight should lead to the end of any relationship. There are ways you can reconcile and connect again. Whenever you fight with your boyfriend, you must do everything to resolve the fight. Of course, meeting your boyfriend after a fight may not be easy. In such a situation, text messages come in handy. Yes, you can send a text to show you want an end to your argument. Although finding the perfect word to resolve your misunderstanding can be challenging, doing it will heal the wounds.

Crafting a heartfelt message to send your boyfriend can serve as a bridge to reconciliation and reaffirming your bond. Whether it’s a simple apology, words of reassurance, or expressions of love, these texts can mend hearts and strengthen your connection. Your communication shows you are willing to resolve the problems. If you are looking for the right words to end your fight, read this post. In this post, you will explore 15 heartfelt texts to send your boyfriend after a fight. We have carefully crafted each message to convey sincerity, understanding, and a commitment to moving forward together.

So, let’s get started…

Heartfelt Texts to Send Your Boyfriend

Here are 15 heartfelt texts you can consider sending your boyfriend after a fight. Get inspiration from these text messages…

1. Tell him you’re sorry

You might be scared to connect with him after a fight; however, if your connection is deep, then surely telling him how sorry you feel about what happened can help mend things between you two. Here is a text message that you can use to say sorry; take a look…

Tell him you’re sorry

“Hey darling! I have thought things through, and I realized am wrong. I’m sorry for the hurtful things I said. I want you to know that you mean the world to me, and I hate seeing us like this, not talking and contacting each other. Can we talk and work through this together? I promise it won’t happen again.”

Send him this heartfelt text when you are the reason behind the fight. Let him realize you were not happy with your actions.

2. Remind him of what he means to you

Relationships are built with emotions and feelings. Definitely, two people who come close to each other mean a lot to each other. Definitely, any fight or argument should not decide the future of your relationship. It’s you who can do just by reminding the other person what he means to you. Here is what you can write to your partner and reconcile things again

Remind him of what he means to you

“I miss your smile and your warmth. Let’s put the past behind us and focus on the love we share. You know how much I love and that I can’t live without you. I always want you to be in my life. You are most important part of my life. I cannot let go of this relationship just for a silly fight. Let’s catch up my darling, I am dying to see you.”

Be quick to send him a word of reassurance whenever you fight. Every man wants to feel safe with the woman he loves.

3. Show him that no fight is greater than your love for him

It’s okay to argue with your boyfriend, but let him know it’s nothing compared to your love. Tell your boyfriend what he means to you and how eager you want to end this fight. You can use the following words to express your deepest desire to see him. Take a look…

Show him no fight is greater than your love for him

“Even in our toughest moments, my love for you never wavers. I believe in us, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make things right. I wasn’t happy with the way we left each other today. Am sorry my love!”

Don’t wait to send this text message to him.

4. Set the ground for your relationship to continue

As said earlier, fights are normal, and no fight can decide your future. If you have had a fight, worry not! Just take the step of setting things right between you two. Let him feel nothing has changed despite your fight. Be ready to move on in your relationship. Send the following message to set the ground for your relationship to continue

Set the ground for your relationship to continue

“I hate the distance between us after a fight. Can we bridge it with forgiveness and understanding? I’m ready to move forward, hand in hand with you. Sincerely, I can’t imagine living life without you by my side. I love you always.”

Sending this message will surely calm your boyfriend and he will come back to you with the same feelings as he had before the fight.

5. Show that you value him

Tell your boyfriend how you feel knowing things are not right between you two. It will get him walking back to you again. Consider sending this message to your boyfriend to reconcile things

Show that you value him

“My heart aches to know we’re not okay. Please know that I cherish you deeply, and I’m committed to making things better between us. Let’s forget the past and connect again darling. The whole thing is killing me!”

Your boyfriend will surely understand how special he is to you, and he will come back to you.

6. Set the right rules

Don’t let the fight stay long before you set things right with him. Be quick to set rules that will let him know you care about the relationship. Consider sending the message below to your boyfriend and let him know that you are ready to keep your ego and pride aside for this relationship.

Set the right rules

“Every moment without you feels incomplete. Let’s set aside our pride and ego, and choose love and forgiveness instead. Let’s not allow our anger to get the best part of us anymore.”

Love is an integral part of one’s life. We all need love to live life happily. Sending a message that expresses your love and profound feelings for a person is what you need to reconcile things after a fight with your boyfriend.

7. Show him you miss every moment that you spent with him

Definitely, a fight takes a lot from you, including your peace of mind, happiness, and so much more. In such a situation, acting fast is the only way out. Don’t allow a new day to start without sending a text to him. Let him feel he’s the life you live, and you cherish every moment with him.

Show him you miss every moment that you spent with him

“My heartbeat, I can’t imagine we’re apart from each other because of our little fight. Sincerely, I never want to go to bed angry with you. Can we talk and resolve our differences before the day ends? I miss our laughter and our closeness.”

If you want things to work out soon, send this message to your boyfriend.

8. Show him how wounded your heart has become in his absence

You don’t have to show him your strength after a fight. Let him feel how fragile you have become after a fight. How painful it is for you to survive with his silence. He should see through your text message that there is a void without him in your life.

Show him how wounded your heart has become in his absence

“The silence between us is deafening. I long for your voice and your presence. I feel so void within, and it breaks me. Let’s end this silence and heal together.”

A message with such words is a sure-shot way to rekindle the relationship even better than before.

Also See: 70 Best Pick Up Lines for Flirting

9. Show him your readiness

People who become adamant after the fight often end up having broken relationships. However, this is not how it should be. You cannot be rigid in a relationship. Know that it’s not a fight that leads to the end of a relationship; in fact, it’s a rigid nature that causes things to end. You don’t need to be rigid; instead, show your partner your readiness with this message:

“I value our relationship more than anything in this world. I’m sorry for any pain I’ve caused, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make things right. I am ready to start all over again with you. Please don’t keep a record of my wrong saying. I need you in my life!”

This very text will melt his heart the moment he reads it. He will realize you have seen your errors, and he will be quick to forgive you.

10. Show him how eager you are to stay happy with him

The next heartfelt text you can send your boyfriend after a fight is this one. Win over his heart with this heart-melting message. He will realize you value the relationship and want it to stay stronger. All you have to do is to send him this message and reconcile things:

“I know we’re both hurting, but I believe our love is stronger than any disagreement. Let’s choose to forgive and move forward. Your happiness and peace mean a lot to me. Let’s forget the past. I love you to the moon and back.”

These words are perfect for making peace in a relationship and let your partner know that no fight is stronger than the bond that you two share with each other.

11. Let him know you can’t lose him

We all know that the time after any fight is not peaceful for anyone. No matter whose mistake it was. Both people in a relationship suffer equally after any fight. In such a situation, it’s always good to end a fight and start it all over again. You can also do the same by letting your boyfriend know you can’t lose him. Just send him this message;

“Your happiness means everything to me. Let’s put our differences aside and focus on rebuilding the love and trust we share. No one in this world can take your place in my heart. I love you so much!”

Your boyfriend will be blown away just by seeing this text. He will realize he means a lot to you.

12. Tell him to let go of the hurt

Undoubtedly, letting go of any hurt or pain isn’t easy. Your boyfriend may also feel the same; however, taking the first step by realizing your mistake and committing not to repeat it ever can make things better for you two. You can send the following text message to your boyfriend and request him to let go of the hurts:

“Arguments may come and go, but our love is constant. Let’s rise above this disagreement and emerge even stronger together. My whole world revolves around you, baby. I miss us!”

This message will make your boyfriend realize the relationship means a lot to you. He won’t hesitate to let go of the hurt your disagreement must have caused.

13. Put a smile on his face

There is no argument or a fight that is so powerful that you cannot mend things. You can always mend things; all you need is determination and courage. Here are the words that you can send to your partner;

“I’m grateful for your patience and understanding, even when things get tough between us. I regret my actions, and I wish I could turn back the hands of time. Let’s give our love another opportunity to overcome this rough patch. I promise to make you happy.”

With this message, your boyfriend will be assured that there’s hope for your relationship.

14. Speak out about how you feel

Speak your heart out as soon as you realize your mistake. Don’t let any argument create a gab that cannot be filled ever between you two. Here is the message that you can send your boyfriend to express your true feelings.

“The thought of us being distant breaks my heart. Can we find a way to reconnect and reaffirm our love for each other?”

Don’t be shy about telling your boyfriend how you feel after a fight. Go straight to the point with your text; guys love it that way.

15. Feel sorry for your actions

If you started the fight, let your text show you’re sorry. Don’t allow your ego to get in the way of your relationship. Whether you believe it or not, a simple sorry from the heart can help you rekindle any relationship. Here is what you can write in a text message for your boyfriend after a fight:

“No matter what happens, you’re the one I want by my side. I wish I could reverse the nasty words I spilled out of my mouth today. I feel so ashamed of myself. My love, please, let’s choose love, forgiveness, and understanding. I am sorry for the hurtful words.”

Send this message to your boyfriend; he will surely understand your emotions and forgive you for your act.

Wrapping it up…

So, these are the 15 heartfelt texts you can send your boyfriend after a fight. No matter how bad the situation is, these text messages can help you reconcile things instantly. Whether you believe it or not, sending a heartfelt text to your boyfriend after a fight can help you tremendously. It can do a lot of good for your relationship. Whenever you fight with your boyfriend, don’t choose to stay away from each other. Communication is the key to all relationships. Send a text message to him. Your text should convey your sincerity and willingness to make things work in your relationship. A simple text of sorry can also do a great job for you.

Let’s now take a look at some frequently asked questions. Here we go…


1. Can You Text Him Immediately After a Fight?

Yes! Not allowing your ego to get in the way of your relationship will set things right. There’s no harm in sending your boyfriend a text immediately after a fight. Moreover, there is no better time to express your profound feelings for a person than the time when you realize your mistake!

2. What is the Perfect Word to Say to Your Boyfriend After a Fight?

The right word to say to your boyfriend after a fight depends on the circumstances that led to the fight. The simplest word you can say is sorry; however, adding up a few words of love and reconciliation can heal the pain.

3. Should You Keep the Text Long or Short?

Well, it is advisable to keep text messages simple. However, the thing is to feel sorry for your heart. You should mean every word that you choose to write in a text for your boyfriend after a fight. There is no point in writing a lengthy message without feeling sorry or without realizing your mistake. Even if your boyfriend comes back after reading your message this time, if you repeat the same thing in the future, he won’t be able to forgive you again. Hence, it is advisable to work on your relationship. Understand each other and respect each other’s differences of opinion to have a healthy and happy relationship!