Best Bridesmaids Movie Quotes For 2024-2025

Best Bridesmaids Movie Quotes

Are you planning a wedding or a bachelor’s eve party? You must have watched the Bridesmaids movie repeatedly so that you can relate to it now that you’re planning yours. As your big day is approaching, you must be searching for bridesmaids movie quotes to use as captions on your social media posts. Of course, wedding preparation is challenging, and as your wedding day draws near, you start to feel the pressure. Nevertheless, the hilarious antics that happened in the movie will surely make anyone smile.

So, if you want your wedding day to be more fun and memorable like it was in the Bridesmaids movie, we’ve got you covered. Check out this post for the best bridesmaids movie quotes that you can consider incorporating in your social media posts or elsewhere. These quotes are sure to put a smile on your followers’ face. So, without any further ado, let’s get started…

Bridesmaids Movie Quotes

Here is our list of the top 30+ bridesmaids movie quotes for you. Get inspiration from these bridesmaid’s movie quotes that are still relevant in 2024. Take a look…

1. Running a wedding should be fun! If I ever had a wedding, I’d want everybody to be stress-free – Rhodes

This is one of the best bridesmaids movie quotes that simply inspire couples to have a wedding full of fun and enjoyment. Everyone is meant to enjoy their big day without stress.

Best Bridesmaids Movie Quotes

2. You’re more beautiful than Cinderella. You smell like pine needles, and you have a face like sunshine – Becca

It’s no big deal for you to get teased by your bridesmaids on your special day especially when you’re getting freaked out. A lot of chaos happens during weddings, so it’s normal for bridesmaids to make you feel better using innuendos.

3. Oh, my god. I just got hurt. Yeah, my pits are sweating. My stomach hurts. Oh, my god! – Annie

When you feel a bit flustered in your bridal room, just let it be. Sometimes, you should allow things to happen.

4. You cannot trust anybody, ever – Annie

Are you surprised? You don’t have to be. Anything can happen or go wrong in a wedding or while preparing for a wedding. You don’t need to be too strict about things or expect things to happen a certain way. Expect anything!

5. Hold on for one more day – Lillian and Annie

Issues and problems are inevitable in a wedding. Don’t allow any chaos to affect your wedding day. Instead of allowing anything to affect your day, sing and be happy.

6. You are not telling me something – Lillian

Remember you can’t please everyone! Don’t pay attention to criticism from your bridesmaids. At the end of the day, it’s your wedding ceremony and you have the right to do anything that pleases you. This bridesmaids movie quote will remind you that you’re not answerable to anyone!

7. Why can’t you just be happy for me and then go home and talk behind my back later like a NORMAL PERSON!? – Lillian

This Bridesmaids movie quote simply says that everyone is allowed to have their opinion and feel anyhow.

Best Bridesmaids Movie Quotes

8. You would know that if you got your beautifully-haired head out of your asshole! – Annie

Don’t get so carried away with your wedding preparations that you forget to care about your bridesmaids. Check up on your bridesmaids regularly. If you neglect them, you just might not know what’s coming your way. Try to avoid what happened in the Bridesmaids movie.

9. I’m ready to PARTY! – Annie

Get yourself fully ready for your bachelor’s party. Make sure you look stunning for the party. You’ll get motivated for the party with this Bridesmaids movie quote.

10. I’m gonna be fine. So don’t worry, ok? I’m going to be… I’m going to be fine. I am fine – Annie

Trust yourself and trust your instincts. Even if things don’t go your way, it’s okay! Tell yourself that everything is okay and perfectly fine. You don’t have to stay awake all through the night since your wedding is just a few hours away.

11. I feel like her life is going off and getting perfect, and mine is just like… – Annie

Your best friend might be so happy to hear you’re getting married. Don’t feel bad when she stays away for a while.

12. God damn it, that’s good – Annie

Feel free to express how you feel after tasting the wedding cake. Be expressive! It’s your big day so have fun, enjoy every moment, and give yourself a special treat.

13. I’m sure I’m a mess – Annie

Don’t get yourself stressed just because you didn’t walk down the aisle wearing a waterproof mascara. Enjoy the most amazing moment of your life as you exchange your wedding vows.

14. I’m totally topless! – Annie

Always find a way around every situation that comes up during your Bachelor’s Eve party.

Best Bridesmaids Movie Quotes

15. Does anybody else have anything they want to share today? – Lillian

This Bridesmaids movie quote is common with every couple while planning their wedding.

16. Oh, hey – Annie

Annie often uses these words when she feels awkward about something, or probably meets who she doesn’t expect. It’s a simple way you can express yourself.

17. I’ll just say this… – Annie

You can say these bridesmaids quote the moment it’s time to make a toast.

18. I’m not with anybody. I’m here so-lo. – Annie

This Bridesmaids movie quote expresses loneliness. You might want to express your single-hood status using this quote.

19. What’s wrong with me? – Annie

It’s okay to search yourself to find out if something went wrong while preparing for your wedding.

20. Help me, I’m poor. – Annie

There’s a possibility that you’ll get to the point of needing help while planning your wedding. Wedding preparations are demanding especially when it’s a destination wedding. Planning with a budget is not easy, so it ok if you say this Bridesmaids movie quote during the planning process.

Funny Bridesmaids Movie Quotes

Here are a few funny Bridesmaids movie quotes that can crack up your guests on your wedding day.

21. I Want You To Leave But I Don’t Know How To Say It Without Sounding Like A D***. – Ted

22. That Dress Is So Pretty, It Makes My Stomach Hurt. – Megan

Best Bridesmaids Movie Quotes

23. Look Away! What Did We Eat?! The Sink’s A Goner! It’s Comin’ Outta Me Like Lava! – Megan

24. I’m Glad He’s Single, ‘Cause I’m Gonna Climb That Like A Tree. – Megan

25. You Read My Journal?! – Annie

26. What’s That F****** Cookie? – Annie

27. I Put A Loaded Gun In Dougie’s Carry-On. – Megan

28. They Are Cute, But When They Reach That Age, Ugh. Disgusting. – Rita

29. Female Fight Club. We Grease Up, We Pull In. – Megan

30. Whatever You Say, Stove. – Annie

31. I Just Took A S*** In The Middle Of The Street. I Just S***. – Lillian

32. Nobody Can Get Anywhere In 3 Seconds. You’re Setting Me Up For A Loss Already. – Annie

Best Bridesmaids Movie Quotes

33. Excuse Me, Um, Could I Have A Glass Of Alcohol When You Get A Chance? – Becca

Wrapping it up…

There you have the best Bridesmaids movie quotes to keep you motivated and inspired throughout the wedding prep journey. These quotes are to make you aware of the fact that wedding preparations come with a lot of challenges. You may experience a few bumps in the road, from your bachelorette party to your bridal party. However, you don’t need to stress yourself. Instead, be happy and embrace each moment. These quotes from Bridesmaids movie will help you stay out strong. No matter the difficulty, have fun and enjoy your life! Happy Wedding… 😊 😊

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