200+ Heartfelt Apology Text Messages to Wife [2024]

Apology Text Messages to Wife

Misunderstandings between couples are inevitable. However, when they happen, simple words like “I am sorry” can solve the problem instantly. Whether you are at fault or not, it’s better to send Apology Text Messages to Wife whenever there are misunderstandings or when you make mistakes. If you have offended your wife, sending apology text messages will help calm her down. Sending heartfelt apology text messages to your wife requires sincerity and careful thought. So, if you are searching for the right words to express how deeply sorry you are, then read this post.

We have listed 200+ apology text messages to your wife for you to send your partner without any delay. In addition, you will get to explore how you can apologize to your wife after a big fight. So, let’s get started…

Before we move to the apology text messages for your wife, let’s first answer the BIG QUESTION – How do you apologize to your wife after a fight? Read on!

How Do I Apologize to My Wife After a Big Fight?

Know that saying anything immediately after the fight may not help you. Understand that offering an apology is not a duty but rather a way to convey to your partner that you genuinely care for her feelings. Hence, following the right route is necessary. It can help you mend things promptly. So, here are the things that you can do to pacify your wife and mend things after a fight:

STEP 1: First things first, allow her to spend time alone to calm down and reflect.
STEP 2: Take time to reflect and understand what caused the argument.
STEP 3: Don’t hasten the process. It won’t help you at all. Instead, become calm and allow your wife to be calm
STEP 4: Choose the perfect time and place that’s convenient for a discussion when you both are calm.
STEP 5: Be sincere from your heart and be direct with your apology.
STEP 6: After apologizing to your wife, promise never to let the same problem happen again.

Best Ways to Say Sorry to Wife

1. Look her in the face and say you are sorry for hurting her.
2. If you want to follow a unique route, then convey your feelings by writing a short letter to your wife.
3. Another meaningful way of saying sorry to your wife is to buy a surprise gift.
4. You can also spare some time out of your busy schedule for your wife.
5. If you two have been planning a romantic trip together, then it’s a perfect time to plan a trip with your wife. Make sure to choose a location she desires to visit.

Let’s now move to our list of the 200+ apology text messages for your wife. Here we go…

Apology Text Messages for Wife

Here is our rundown of the 200+ text messages to offer an apology to your wife after a might or a misunderstanding. The list is divided into different sections to help you select the message of your choice, depending on the situation. Take a look…

Sweet Sorry Message for Wife

Apology Text Messages to Wife

1. My love, I deeply regret my actions and the pain I caused you. Please forgive me.

2. I am truly sorry for hurting you, my queen. Your happiness means everything to me. Am willing to make things right between us.

3. I regret my actions and the hurt they caused you. You deserve better and I promise to be more loving and careful.

4. My heart aches knowing I’ve hurt the woman who means the world to me. I am ready to make amends.

5. With my deflated ego and broken heart, I say a BIG SORRY for hurting you.

6. I apologize for my mistakes and the hurt I’ve caused you. I cherish you and our relationship more than anything.

7. My world, I am truly sorry for my wrong behavior towards you. I promise to be the best partner you deserve.

8. I regret those hurtful words I said and the pain they caused you. I don’t know what came over me. I am sincerely sorry.

9. My love, I know I can’t take back my words. I wish I never said those words. Please forgive me.

10. Seeing you happy gives me joy. I feel so ashamed for being the reason for your sadness. I am truly sorry for my wrong actions.

Apology Text Messages to Wife ideas

11. My love, I am deeply sorry for making you cry. Please forgive me.

12. To every heart pain I caused you, I promise to restore your joy. I am sorry.

13. My sunshine, you brighten my world. It’s unbelievable that I made you cry. Please forgive my actions.

14. My heart aches knowing I’ve caused you pain. I am truly sorry and I will do everything to make it right.

15. I’m sorry for my mistakes. You deserve better and I vow to be the partner you need.

16. Am sorry for the way I behaved. Please come back to me, my love.

17. I regret the pain I caused you. I am deeply sorry and I will work hard to earn back your trust.

18. I am truly sorry for my actions. Your love is my most treasured possession. Please forgive me.

19. My love, I apologize for hurting you. I promise to be more understanding and supportive.

20. I am so sorry for the hurtful words I said. You mean everything to me and I regret causing you pain.

Apology Text Messages

21. Your smile brightens my world. How can I take that away? Please give me another chance.

22. I am deeply sorry for my mistakes. Your happiness is my top priority and I promise to do better.

23. I regret causing you pain and I am truly sorry. Please forgive me, my love. Let’s rebuild our happiness.

24. I am so sorry for my actions. You are the love of my life and I will do everything to make it up to you.

25. I apologize from the bottom of my heart for hurting you. Please forgive me.

26. I am truly sorry for the pain I caused. Your love is one thing that keeps me going. I regret hurting you.

27. I apologize for my nasty attitude. I love you more than words can express.

28. I am so sorry for my mistakes. You deserve the best and I promise to be more loving.

29. I regret my actions and the pain they caused you. Please forgive me.

30. Your love is my most precious gift and I promise to cherish it always. I’m sorry.

Apology Messages to Wife

31. I love you dearly and I will do everything to make things right. I apologize for hurting you.

32. I am truly sorry for my actions. Please forgive me and let’s work together to rebuild our love.

33. I regret causing you pain. You are my everything and I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you.

34. I am so sorry for my mistakes. Your happiness means the world to me and I vow to be a better husband.

35. Staying away from you, my wife is like sinking myself in a pit. I am fortunate to have you. Forgive my actions.

36. I am deeply sorry for my actions. Your love is my greatest joy and I regret causing you pain.

37. I regret hurting you and I am truly sorry. Please forgive me and let’s move forward together with love.

38. I apologize for my mistakes. I love you more than anything and I will do everything to make things right.

39. I am truly sorry for everything that happened between us. I promise to be more sensitive and loving.

40. I apologize from the bottom of my heart for the pain I caused. Please forgive me.

Heart Touching Sorry Messages for Your Wife

Apology Text Messages to Wife

41. My dear, I have disappointed you in our relationship. I regret my actions. Please find it in your heart to forgive me.

42. I know I’ve disappointed you and for that, I am truly sorry. Your happiness means everything to me.

43. I am so sorry for my actions and the hurt. You are my rock, my love and my best friend. Don’t ignore me for long.

44. I can’t stand the thought of hurting you. You are my world and I am truly sorry for my mistakes. Let’s make things right.

45. My heart aches knowing I’ve caused you pain. You are the love of my life and I promise to be better.

46. I am truly sorry for the hurtful words I said. You deserve kindness and I regret hurting your feelings.

47. My sweet angel, it breaks my heart to see you in tears. Allow me to wipe those tears.

48. Forgiveness is the only thing I can ask for. I know I have hurt you. I’m sincerely sorry.

49. Allow me to atone for my wrong actions. I want to wipe your tears.

50. I am deeply sorry for the pain I caused you. You are the most precious person in my life. Please forgive me, my love.

Apology Text Messages to Wife

51. I got so engrossed with work that I neglected you. I want to make you happy again. Please forgive me.

52. You deserve only joy and love from me. I feel alive only when you’re with me.

53. I can’t stand the thought of causing you pain. I’m truly sorry and I promise to be better for you.

54. Please come to my arms, my love. I’m still in love with you. Forgive my wrongdoings.

55. You are my world and I never want to see you sad. There’s no justification for my actions. Forgive me.

56. Your love means everything to me and I’m sorry for jeopardizing it. Please give me a chance to make things right.

57. I regret my actions and the hurt they caused you. I promise to be more thoughtful and considerate.

58. Can we let go of the past together? Let’s build a new home of love and faith.

59. Please forgive me for my mistakes. I will work hard to earn back your trust.

60. I am deeply sorry for the hurtful words I said. They were unkind and I regret them deeply.

Apology Text Messages to Wife

61. I apologize for my actions and the pain they caused. Please let me make it up to you and show you how much I care.

62. I am so sorry for letting you down. You mean everything to me and I promise to be a better partner.

63. My heart is heavy with regret for hurting you. I am truly sorry.

64. I am deeply sorry for my mistakes. You are my pride and I promise to cherish it always.

65. I apologize for my behavior. You deserve only the best from me.

66. I am so sorry for the pain I caused you. Your happiness means the world to me.

67. Please don’t let our fight affect the love we share. I will cherish our relationship henceforth.

68. I have failed as a husband by causing your tears. Please, I am sorry.

69. My world is crumbling because of your silence. Let out the anger, but don’t keep silent over me. I am sorry, baby.

70. You are my everything and I will do whatever it takes to make amends.

Apology Text Messages to Wife

71. I still believe in the love we both share. Forgive me, Sweetie!

72. I am truly sorry for my mistakes. Your happiness is my top priority and I will strive to make it up to you.

73. I regret the pain I caused you and am deeply sorry. Please forgive me.

74. My angel, my heart is filled with guilt. Give me a place in your heart once again.

75. Please forgive me for my actions, darling. I love you more than anything.

76. I apologize from the bottom of my heart for hurting you. Your happiness means everything to me.

77. I am deeply sorry for my mistakes. You deserve only the best from me.

78. I have let you down, darling and am sorry for failing you.

79. I am truly sorry for the hurt I caused you. Your love is my most cherished gift and I promise to treat it with care this time.

80. Please forgive me for my mistakes. I love you dearly and I am ready to bring back your smile.

Romantic Sorry Messages for Your Wife

Apology Text Messages to Wife

81. My heartbeat, I’m sorry for causing you pain. Your love is my guiding star; I can’t imagine my life without you.

82. Every moment without your smile is like a year without sunshine. I’m sincerely sorry, my dearest.

83. I am deeply sorry for my actions. You are the queen of my heart and I vow to cherish you.

84. My heart aches knowing I’ve hurt you. Words fail to express how disappointed I feel in myself. I am sorry.

85. With every beat of my heart, I am sorry. Your love is my most treasured possession and I regret causing you pain.

86. I can’t bear to see you hurt or shedding tears. I’m sorry for my mistakes. Let’s mend our relationship.

87. You are everything to me and I’m sorry for letting you down. Let me show you just how much I adore you.

88. Sweetheart, my life looks beautiful because of you. Give me one chance to prove myself.

89. My heart is heavy with regret. I wish I never took those actions. I’m sorry for hurting you with my actions.

90. Your love for me is the biggest thing that has ever happened to me. I am deeply sorry for my actions. Please forgive me, my love.

Apology Text Messages to Wife

91. My love, I am incomplete without you. I feel suffocated in this dark world ever since I hurt you. Please forgive me, my light!

92. I’m sorry for my mistakes and the pain they brought you. You deserve only joy and love from me.

93. I can’t stand the thought of causing you pain. I feel so guilty! I’m truly sorry and I promise to change.

94. My heart aches knowing I’ve hurt you. Please forgive me and let me make it right.

95. I am so sorry for the pain I’ve caused you. You are my world and I never want to see you sad.

96. Your love means everything to me and I’m sorry for jeopardizing it. Please give me a chance to make things right.

97. Please forgive me for my actions; I can’t continue in this guilt.

98. I am truly sorry for my wrong acts. You are the love of my life and I can’t bear to see you unhappy.

99. Please forgive me for my mistakes. Give me a chance to make things right again.

100. I am deeply sorry for the hurtful words I said. They were unkind and I regret them deeply.

Apology Text Messages to Wife

101. I apologize for my actions and the pain they caused. Please let me make it up to you and show you how much I care.

102. I am so sorry for letting you down. You mean everything to me and I promise to be a better partner.

103. My heart is heavy with regret for hurting you. I am truly sorry and I will do whatever it takes to make things right.

104. I am deeply sorry for my mistakes. Your love is my greatest joy and I promise to cherish it always.

105. I apologize for hurting you. You deserve only the best from me and I vow to be more loving and attentive.

106. I am so sorry for the pain I caused you. Each tear that drops from those beautiful eyes of yours breaks me down. Please forgive me.

107. I regret my actions and the hurt they caused. Please forgive me and let’s move forward together with love.

108. Living a single moment without you makes me incomplete. I can’t believe I hurt my joy giver. Honey, please forgive me.

109. Please forgive me for my mistakes. I allowed my anger to get the best part of me. This won’t repeat itself, I promise.

110. I am deeply sorry for my actions. You are my everything. Life without you feels empty. I will do whatever you want from today henceforth.

Apology Text Messages to Wife

111. I apologize for the hurtful words and actions. You mean the world to me and I regret causing you pain.

112. I am truly sorry for my mistakes. Your happiness is my top priority and I will strive to make it up to you.

113. I regret the pain I caused you and am deeply sorry. Allow me to create new memories with you, my beloved wife. Please forgive me.

114. I never thought a day would come when I would be the reason for your tears. You are the love of my life and I promise never to hurt you again.

115. Please forgive me for my actions. I love you more than anything and I will work hard to make things right.

116. I apologize from the bottom of my heart for hurting you. Your happiness means everything to me. Forgive me.

117. I am deeply sorry for my mistakes. You deserve only the best from me and I vow to be the best partner.

118. I regret my actions and the pain they caused. Please forgive me and let’s rebuild our happiness together.

119. I am truly sorry for the hurt I caused. Your love is my most cherished gift and I promise to treat it with care.

120. Please forgive me for my mistakes. I am committed to making things right and bringing back your smile.

Heart Touching Sorry Quotes for Your Wife

Apology Text Messages to Wife

121. My heart aches with the pain I’ve caused you. I’m truly sorry and I promise to be better for you and us.

122. I am deeply sorry for the hurt I caused with my words. You can hit me if you want but don’t stay away from me, darling.

123. Every moment I’ve hurt you is a moment I regret deeply. I wonder if I will come out of the guilt. Only your forgiveness can make me feel better.

124. Your love means everything to me and I will do whatever it takes to make things right.

125. My love, I am deeply sorry for my mistakes. You give meaning to my world.

126. My heart is heavy with regret for the pain I’ve caused you. I am truly sorry. I promise to make it up to you.

127. Your silence breaks me the more, my queen. I apologize for not listening to you. Forgive me.

128. I am deeply sorry for letting you down. You deserve the best and I will strive to be the partner you can always count on.

129. Your love is the light of my life and I am sorry for the darkness I brought into it. Let’s find our way back to happiness together.

130. I regret the pain I caused you and I am truly sorry. I will do whatever it takes to make things right. Please give me a chance to prove my love.

Apology Text Messages to Wife

131. My better half, how on earth do you think I can stay away from you? The biggest mistake I made was hurting you. Please forgive me!

132. I am deeply sorry for my mistakes. Your happiness means everything to me. Allow me to brighten up your world again with much love.

133. Every moment without your smile feels like my world is crumbling down. I never meant to take those beautiful smiles from your face. I’m truly sorry.

134. I regret my actions and the hurt they caused. Please let me make it up to you.

135. I’m sorry for the pain I caused you. Don’t stay away from me my love. You make me complete. Your love is my most cherished treasure.

136. I feel so bad for breaking the promise I made to you at the wedding altar. I feel like a failure right now. All I ask for is your forgiveness.

137. My soulmate, I am deeply sorry for acting wrongly with you. I know that I have lived short of your expectations. Please give me another chance.

138. Hurting you wasn’t intentional, darling. I won’t allow such petty issues to come in between us again.

139. I apologize from the bottom of my heart for hurting you. Your happiness is my priority, please forgive my actions.

140. Let’s not allow this misunderstanding to last longer. I can’t stand to see you sad. I regret causing you pain.

Apology Text Messages to Wife

141. How can I face myself after causing you so much pain? Hurting you is the same as hurting yourself. It’s one thing I will live to regret all my life. I’m sorry.

142. My heart is heavy with regret for hurting you. I feel so ashamed of myself right now. How can I hurt the woman I vowed to love forever?

143. I’m sorry for letting you down. I know how you feel right now about me. Am sorry for letting my anger get the best part of me.

144. Without you in my life, the stars no longer sparkle. I realize my mistake and I want to make amends.

145. Sweetheart, I find it hard to forgive myself for hurting you. I repent of my wrongdoings.

146. I regret my actions and the hurt they caused. I want to take a new leave. Please let us heal together.

147. Some people say fighting is normal in every marriage, but if it causes you so much pain, I don’t want it anymore. I am deeply sorry for my actions.

148. You have been so supportive of me. I was insensitive and foolish to have caused you pain. Am sorry.

149. I’m sorry for the hurtful words I said. They were unkind and I regret them deeply.

150. Please forgive me for my actions. Please don’t keep a record of my wrongdoings. I love you more than words can express.

Apology Text Messages to Wife

151. I am truly sorry for everything I said to you. Allow me to heal your wounds. Your happiness means the world to me.

152. I regret the pain I caused you. All I need now is your forgiveness. Please forgive me and let’s move forward together.

153. I am deeply sorry for my mistakes. Your love is precious to me and I will never take it for granted.

154. Please forgive me for my actions. I am responsible for our misunderstanding.

155. You are my treasure and I will do whatever it takes to keep you in my life. I hate to see you sad. Please am sorry for everything.

156. I apologize from the bottom of my heart for hurting you. All I want is peace between us.

157. I am deeply sorry for my mistakes. You deserve only the best from me. I promise to change.

158. I regret my actions and the hurt they caused. Please let us rebuild our happiness together.

159. You have been so loyal to me, I’m sorry for doubting your love.

160. You’re the most special person in my life. I regret making you feel unappreciated.

Genuine “I Am Sorry” Quotes for Wife

Apology Text Messages to Wife

161. I am deeply sorry for my actions and the pain they caused you. Let’s rebuild our love and trust.

162. Mistakes are common in humans. I am sincerely sorry for my actions last night.

163. Please give me the chance to become a better husband to you. I have truly repented.

164. I crossed the line today by fighting with you. You’re such an amazing person.

165. My biggest mistake was hurting you. I allowed my ego to get in the way between us. Accept my apology.

166. I regret causing you pain and am truly sorry. Your love is precious to me and I will work hard to ensure nothing goes sour between us.

167. I am deeply sorry for the way I acted. You deserve better and I am ready to be the partner you can count on.

168. My heart is filled with regret for hurting you. I am truly sorry and will do whatever it takes to make amends.

169. You don’t deserve what I did to you. It was so foolish of me, darling. I’m sorry.

170. You have been through a lot because of my actions. I have taken a deep thought about what happened I realised my mistakes. Allow me to rectify them.

Apology Text Messages to Wife

171. I am truly sorry for the way I spoke to you during our argument. I realize that my words were hurtful and uncalled for and I deeply regret it.

172. I understand why you felt disrespected and unappreciated. Your feelings are important to me and I regret making you feel that way.

173. I promise to be more attentive and considerate of your feelings. Let’s work together to communicate better in the future.

174. I know I hurt your feelings when I dismissed your concerns. I should have listened more carefully and taken your feelings into account.

175. If you don’t feel like talking to me now, it’s okay. Don’t be silent for long, my queen. I want to make amends.

176. I want to apologize to you, even in front of our friends/family. I value our relationship and want everyone to know how much I regret my actions.

177. Let’s take some time just for us this weekend. I want to listen to you and work through this together.

178. I got you this necklace because it reminded me of our special moments together. Forget the past and let’s ignite the fire of our love again.

179. I am so sorry for how I acted earlier. I realize I was wrong and I regret hurting you.

180. Since I know you are upset with me, I’ve taken care of the house chores today. I hope this small gesture shows how sorry I am.

Apology Text Messages to Wife

181. Dearest, I deeply regret my actions. Let me kiss your tears away. I’m sorry!

182. You have made our marriage filled with sweet memories, yet I hurt you so badly. Please tell me what I can do to make you happy again.

183. My love, can you forgive me for my wrong actions? I feel ashamed of myself. Please accept my heartfelt apology.

184. Honey, I am sorry for all the wrongs I did to you. I should not have done all that.

185. My angel, I know that I have not been that good man you’ve always wanted. Sincerely, I don’t know what came over me.

186. Every moment without your smile feels incomplete. I know I don’t deserve you. I take the blame for what happened.

187. I am deeply remorseful for my mistakes. You’ve been the best wife to me and yet I wronged you with my actions.

188. I apologize from the bottom of my heart. Your forgiveness means everything to me.

189. Please, dear, believe me when I say I am sorry. I never wish to see you sad. I’m sorry for the hurtful words.

190. Please forgive me for my faults. My love for you is endless and I regret causing you any sorrow.

Apology Text Messages to Wife

191. I am deeply sorry for letting you down. Don’t pay attention to those foolish words I said.

192. Honey, please give me this last chance. Life is not the same without you. I am trapped in regret.

193. I am truly sorry for walking out on you. I realized my wrongs and I want you to forgive me.

194. You know you are my light. Ever since our misunderstanding, it’s as if I’m all alone. I need you back in my life, baby.

195. My world, I’m genuinely sorry for what happened between us. I didn’t mean any of those words I said to you. I’m so sorry.

196. Honey, please tell me what you want me to do to make amends. Anything to prove to you that I’m sorry.

197. How can I prove how sorry I am for hurting you? I regret every bit of my actions.

198. Honey, I can’t live a moment of my life without you. Let’s forget what happened and move on.

199. Loving you is the best thing that happened to me after we married. I can’t imagine staying away from you. I want us back together.

200. I am sincerely sorry for all that transpired between us. I failed to understand you and that’s not good.

Apology Text Messages to Wife

201. Hey baby, I am sorry for my act. I pondered over everything that happened the other day and felt guilty for not understanding your point. Allow me to rectify my mistake. I am sorry love!

202. I am deeply sorry for hurting you with my words. Allow me to rectify my mistake and trust me it’s not going to happen ever again in life.

203. I have taken a deep thought about what happened and I realized my mistakes. I am sorry for not understanding you. I will fix it for sure!

204. My love, it’s been three days you haven’t spoken to me. Your silence is killing me now. I know I cannot undo what happened; however, if you give me a chance, I will try to rectify things.

205. Love between us is the only thing that I want; your silence is causing pain now. I am sorry for hurting you. Let’s talk it out!

206. You are not just my wife; you are my life and seeing you angry and stressed makes me feel bad. Please forgive me and give me a chance to fix things. I am sorry for what happened!

These are the messages that you can utilize to fix things with your wife. Know that no mistake is too big to be fixed. All you have to remember in the process is that things take time; hence, you must give time some time. Also, your apology should come from your heart only then it can be impactful! Be Genuine, Be Mindful!

Hopefully, this article has been helpful to you!

Thanks for reading!

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