50 Fun Newlywed Game Questions for Bonding Activity

married couple with bouquet

Newlywed game questions for couples are a fun activity that allows guests to engage in an entertaining activity and promotes bonding. Whether you are attending a bridal shower, beach party, or wedding reception, newlywed game questions are an ideal option to hold a kind of fun competition. This activity enables couples to know each other better and also promotes bonding with everyone present at the event.

In this fun activity guests and relatives ask a couple of different questions focused on goals, aspirations, and interests. Additionally, a couple can also check each other’s understanding and memory about significant dates, events, and other topics by posing thought-provoking questions.

What are Some Good Newlywed Game Questions?

A newlywed game question can be a fun query to test a couple’s knowledge about each other. You can ask a couple about their spouse’s interests, goals, and desires. Read this blog post to find out some good newlywed game questions.

1. Who is the Celebrity Crush of Your Partner?

Asking a couple about their partner’s celebrity crush is one of the newlywed game questions to engage in a fun activity and check their knowledge about each other’s likes and dislikes.

2. Who Among You Believes in Superstitions?

Ask a couple about their belief in superstitions and what type of superstitions they believe in leads to a fun activity. A couple can share interesting stories and anecdotes about experiences or events related to superstitions.

3. Who Has the Worst Handwriting?

This question is aimed at promoting a humorous environment that can lead to friendly teasing and laughter.

4. What is the Most Attractive Thing in Your Partner?

Asking a couple about the things that attract them to their partner is another good newlywed question.

5. What’s a Secret You Haven’t Told Anyone?

It is always interesting to get a couple split a secret that no one knows about. You can invite a couple to provide a secret that even their partner doesn’t know
doesn’t know.

6. Who Cried During the Proposal?

This is a newlywed question for a couple, stating who proposed the idea first and who cried while being proposed is amusing.

7. What is Your Favorite Emoji?

Another common newlywed game question is to ask a couple about their favorite emoji they love to use when texting each other.

8. Who Spends the Most Time in the Shower?

To make a conversation funny you can ask a question about showering. Among the newlywed game questions, one can ask a couple who takes the longest showers and their opinion on this.

9. Who Has the Strongest Competitive Streak?

This type of question is essential to promote bonding as it empowers to check a couple’s understanding and how better they know each other.

10. Which Food is Their Least Favorite?

Asking a couple about their favorite food and what food they dislike the most is a query that helps to build bonding.

11. What Helps You to Calm Down?

This is another question that promotes bonding by knowing the methods or activities a person uses to manage stress or anxiety.

12. Which Song Best Captures Your Partner’s Behavior in the Bedroom?

It is more of a humorous notion that might create some conversation regarding personality characteristics and the songs being played.

13. Who Among You is the Best Kisser?

Such a question is useful when the goal is to achieve a rather humorous and consequently, light-hearted answer.

14. Who Among You is the Best Massager?

A typical question of this type can be asked to a newlywed couple with a view of exchanging playful banter or compliments.

15. What Do You Wear to Bed?

Another newlywed game question can be about the comfort and preferences in sleepwear. This helps a couple to understand each other’s habits and comfort preferences.

16. What Attracts You Most to Your Partner Physically?

This type of question also results in a funny and humorous feel of the program or event. This also assists in comprehending physical characteristics or aspects admired by a partner.

17. What is Their Biggest Turn-on?

This type of newlywed game question is ideal for understanding specific traits, actions, or behaviors that act as stimulators for a partner.

18. Which Drink is their Favorite?

Another common question to promote bonding aids a couple to know each other’s food and drink habits, likes, and dislikes.

19. After a Fight, Who is the First to Apologize?

It aims to identify the person who usually takes the lead in settling disputes and offering forgiveness.

20. How Did You Came to Know Each Other?

One of the most interesting newlywed game questions is to ask a couple about their first meeting. This leads to sharing interesting stories and memories associated with the first meeting.

21. What is Your Partner’s Eye Color?

It provokes an individual to share interesting details about his/her partner’s body features.

22. What is the Best Gift You Ever Received?

This question tends to provoke a couple to share significant or cherished memories related to a meaningful gift.

23. Who Takes More Time to Get Ready?

This question leads to lighthearted banter or conversation about routines and personal habits.

24. What is Your Favorite Movie?

Discussion about movies helps to understand one’s taste in entertainment and their impact.

25. What Did You Wear on the First Date

Asking a newlywed couple about the outfit they wore on the first date is an amazing newlywed game question as it leads to sharing interesting first date memories.

26. What is Your Hidden Talent?

It helps a couple to share information about personal skills, hobbies, and interests.

27. What is Your Dream Date?

This kind of question helps a couple to talk about their romantic and dating-related fantasies and desires.

28. Who Sleeps First at Night?

Another interesting question that leads to sharing personal habits and preferences regarding sleep.

29. What is Your Biggest Fear?

It encourages a couple to talk about their intimate and frequently imagined worries, which can result in deeper conversation and promote bonding.

30. What is Your Favorite Television Show?

To know about one’s entertainment tastes and interests, it is ideal to ask about favorite TV shows.

31. Who is Better with Kids?

This question is another interesting query for a newlywed couple and helps to identify who is the most adept at interacting with or caring for children.

32. What is Your Dream Vacation Location?

Another question to promote bonding is to ask a couple about their dream vacation spots. This helps to share information about travel dreams and desires

33. What is Your Favorite Season of the Year?

It aims to discover a person’s favorite season and the factors that influenced their decision.

34. Which Comic is Your Partner’s Favorite?

Asking this question is aimed at learning about the partner’s taste in comedy and entertainment.

35. Which App is Their Favorite?

This query is important to know about the favorite app of your partner and the reason behind using it.

36. What is the Zodiac Sign of Your Partner?

This is one of the common newlywed game questions and helps to understand how much a couple knows about each other.

37. Who is the Most Romantic Among You?

This provokes a couple to share romantic traits or deeds, which often sparks an exchange of memories and experiences.

38. Who Cooks Better?

This question helps to understand who has the superior cooking abilities or whose food is preferred.

39. What is Your Partner’s Shoe Size?

It results in a humorous conversation and creates a chance for a couple to reveal confidential information about their companions.

40. What is Your Partner’s Favorite Book?

Couples can share information about their partner’s reading preferences and literary tastes.

41. Name a Good and a Bad Habit

Asking a newlywed couple to share their partner’s good and bad habits can lead to an entertaining conversation.

42. Who Among You is the Better Driver?

This question allows a couple to share their driving experiences and skills.

43. Who Has the Most Affairs in the Past?

The type of question mentioned above can be used by a couple to share their previous experiences in relationships without any formality and most preferably with a humorous tone.

44. What is Your Partner’s Pet Name for You?

This question tends to provoke a couple to share a personal and affectionate aspect of their relationship.

45. In Ten Years, Where Do You Picture Yourselves?

Another common newlywed game question that helps to understand the goals and desires of a couple.

46. Which Romantic Gesture is Your Partner’s Favorite?

When a couple is asked to disclose one thing their partner did as a sign of affection, it helps in increasing the relationship’s intimacy.

47. What Did Your Partner Notice About You Right Away?

A couple share details about the first qualities or attributes that their partner notices.

48. Which Song Makes Your Spouse Think of You?

This is another newlywed game question to promote bonding and having fun while enjoying a post-wedding event.

49. Who is More Prone to Forget a Birthday?

It can spark a lighthearted discussion about organizing techniques and memory in a humorous setting.

50. Who is More Outgoing or Social?

It leads a couple to share details about the social habits and preferences of their partners.


In conclusion, several newlywed game questions can be posed to a couple to promote bonding and enjoy a fun activity. These questions can be about personal interests, desires, goals, and relationships. Engaging in this activity also helps a newlywed couple to understand each other by sharing information about habits, and dislikes.