20 Signs That Tell If A Girl You Like Is Interested In You

Are you attracted to a girl, but you’re not sure if the feeling is mutual? Well, it’s okay to feel that way! However, before you approach the girl, find out if she’s interested in you. The big question is ‘How do you know if the girl you like is interested in you?’ Several signs determine if the way you feel for a girl is mutual before building a romantic relationship.

In this post, we’ll explore 20 telltale signs that show if a girl is interested in you. Here, you’ll discover the different clues that will give you confidence that you’re in the right direction. It could be through body language, physical actions, or verbal cues. Keep reading this article to determine the signs that will make you realize she’s interested in you. Let’s dive in…

How To Know If a Girl Is Interested In You?

So, here are 20 signs that you should be aware of to determine whether the girl you like is interested in you. Being aware of these signs can help you take the right step at the right time. Check them out…

1. Her face lights up when she sees you

First things first, her face lights up whenever she sees you or is around you. If you notice that her face glows or if she starts to smile uncontrollably whenever she’s around you, it’s a sign she likes you! She won’t be able to control her smile when she sees you. It is one of the ways she expresses her excitement whenever you’re close to her or in the same place with her.

Image Source – Body Language Central

So, when you see this sign you should know a girl is also interested in you. You can’t neglect the sign since you like the girl.

2. She looks at you when you are not noticing

Does she like to have a glimpse of you when your attention is somewhere else? It’s a sign she’s interested in you! When she finds pleasure in looking at you from a distance, allow her to enjoy herself. It’s a clear indication that she admires you, and wants you in her life. So, go ahead and try your luck for better.

3. She turns nervous or shy

Getting nervous is yet another sign that showcases she might be interested in you. If the girl you’re interested in gets nervous when you’re around, it might signify that she is also interested in you. All she wants is to get your attention and to feel safe. If you notice this sign pretty often, then surely it’s time to approach her.

Image Source – Mantelligence

4. She remembers things you tell her

If you realize she keeps a memory of every conversation you’ve had, it shows she values your words. You can tell she remembers everything based on her words and actions. The reason is that she simply finds every word you speak to be intriguing. When you come across a clear indication from a girl, it suggests that she is open to establishing a relationship with you.

5. She touches you

Whenever she touches you at every opportunity she gets, it’s another sign that she is attracted to you. More often than not, girls maintain distance. However, if they are interested, they leave no opportunity to touch the person they love. So, if the girl you like touches your hands or tries to make body contact with you intentionally, it’s indeed a sure sign you can’t let it slide. Although she may not openly communicate her desires, her consistent physical contact serves as a clear indication.

Image Source – The Art of Charm

6. She plays with her hair

Do you often see her play with her hair whenever you are with her? If yes, it’s a physical sign that she’s into you. This sign is her way of flirting with you and also calling your attention to herself. It’s her way of acting shy around you. There’s no need to delay since you’ve always got your eyes on her. Go, take the first step forward!

7. She smiles and laughs a lot around you

When you see her laugh or smile every time at little jokes you say, it means she likes you a lot. This simply indicates that she loves your presence and she is impressed with your sense of humor as well. Take this sign seriously man!

Image Source – The Coolist

8. She loves looking into your eyes

If she dares to look into your eyes without a blink, it’s clear that she’s also interested in you. Staring into one’s eyes without any shyness usually comes when someone is into you. It’s a subconscious act! You can’t neglect this act, as it’s a sign that a girl likes you and is ready to trust you with her love.

9. She blushes whenever you compliment her

Here’s another sign that shows a girl you like is interested in you. She blushes whenever you compliment her outfit or hairstyle. This shows that your compliments make her feel special. Any girl loves to hear words of praise from the person they like. So, don’t ignore this sign at all. If you want to be 100% sure, then try to praise her a little bit more to see her reactions.

Image Source – Discover Magazine

10. She involves you in her life

Whenever a girl brings you into her personal life without you asking, it’s a clear sign to look out for! She is free to tell you things about her life. At the same time, if she is interested in knowing you at a personal level as well, it also shows that she is in you.

A girl interested in you will never hide anything from you. She will be more open to you. She will even share things that she won’t share with others. She will see you as her confidant because she’s comfortable around you. These acts from a girl clearly show she feels safe with you in her life.

11. Lip Biting

If a girl bites her lips when you are with her, it’s a sign she’s equally attracted to you. It could be a conscious or unconscious act from her. All she’s trying to do is get your eyes on her.

Image Source – X

12. She nods

When you have a conversation with the woman, a sign that she’s also attracted to you is her nod. You’ll realize that she nods at every word you say. It indicates that she agrees with whatever you’re saying and pays undivided attention to you.

13. She will give you cute nicknames

If she has given you a special name, then it’s a sign she loves you. The name will only be called by her and no one else. You can’t ignore this sign that she likes you. Special names are for special people, so if you’ve got one from her, that means you’re in her world. Don’t wait now!

Image Source – Bonobology.com

14. She gives you undivided attention

When a girl’s attention is full with you without any distractions, it’s a sign she likes you. She will make sure you have her undivided attention when she’s with you. Don’t overlook this sign!

15. She makes an effort to look good

Another sign to look out for in a girl you like is interested in you is her appearance. If you notice that she puts in effort to look her best when she is with you, it’s a positive sign. A girl who’s interested in you will pay close attention to her appearance. From her hair to her outfit, she’ll make sure everything is perfect. She will do the things that you like the most!

Image Source – Bonobology.com

16. She is jealous of the women around you

When a girl likes you, she will never like your friendship with other girls. When you notice her reaction is not so good whenever other women are around you, it shows she likes you. Anyone who’s genuinely in love will not stand the presence of women lurking around you. She might not say it verbally, but her actions will tell you clearly that she doesn’t want other women around you. So, be careful man, especially if you have too many women friends!

17. She touches her face and neck

Another signal from a girl who likes you is that she will touch her face and neck a lot of times. More often than not, girls do this to get the attention of the other person. So, if your girl also does that a lot of times, then make sure to give her attention. It could also mean she’s nervous and can’t communicate verbally about her feelings.

Image Source – Body Language Central

18. Her voice tone changes

If you notice a change in her voice when she’s talking to you, it’s a sure sign that she likes you. Her voice could become calm or pitchy when speaking with you. The excitement in her tone of voice is a clear indicator that she also wants you in her life. It also means she’s comfortable with you. Make her more comfortable and let her feel embraced and cherished!

19. Her friends and family know about you

A girl who’s already into you will always speak about you at every opportunity she gets. She shares everything about you with her loved ones or closest friends. She’s not shy about talking about you to her friends and family members. Not just that; she also invites you to her family events or family gatherings. If you notice this happening a lot of times, then this is a sign that she also likes you and that the feelings are mutual. If she introduces you to her family members, you can be certain that she wants to be with you.

Image Source – BetterHelp

20. She knows your quirks

Last but not least, she understands your quirks pretty well. If the feelings you have for a girl are mutual, you’ll realize that she knows things about you. This happens naturally because she pays close attention to you. When a girl you like is interested in you, she will notice hidden things that nobody knows. She’ll make an effort to be there for you. She will be there for you in your thick and thin; she will comfort you, support you, and be with you when you need someone.

Putting it all together…

So, these are the top 20 signs that tell if a girl you like is interested in you. Now you know these signs. This is your time to notice if the girl you adore expresses or exhibits most of these signs, then it’s pretty much clear that she also feels the same way. If you’re not convinced enough that she’s also interested in you, communicate with her. There’s no need to be shy, honest communication with her will give you the answers you need. However, still it is advisable to look out for these signs.

Let’s now take a look at some FAQs about proposing a girl you like. Here we go…


1. What if the girl I like doesn’t exhibit these signs?

Never mind, every girl is different. In such a situation, it is good to approach the person and be clear about your emotions. Express how you feel about her. Most importantly, give her time to process it all, and get back to you with her response.

2. When is the best time to approach a girl, I like?

The best time to approach a girl you like is when she is relaxed and approachable. You will get numerous such opportunities. For instance, if you are in the same college, you can approach her during a college event in a café, or when involved in mutual activity. However, if you two are from the same locality, then look for an event where she will also be present. You can approach her. The idea is to express your feelings when you are in a relaxed mind.

Skip approaching her when she’s already occupied or in a rush. Look for moments when she’s smiling, making eye contact, or open to conversation. Being considerate of her mood and surroundings can increase the chances of a positive interaction.

3. What if the girl I like rejects my proposal?

Well, it will hurt. However, you cannot force anyone to choose you no matter how much you feel for a person or you like a person. Take this positively. As they say, “Letting go isn’t giving up; it’s understanding some things aren’t meant to be.”

So, it’s okay; there is always someone better for you out there. Be patient and be kind to the person who rejected you. Don’t have grudges or bad feelings for her as negative emotions are not going to help you in your life. Wish her the best in her life and move on! This is what a person with a stoic mindset will do. So, if you believe you are the one or want to be the one, then moving on is your best bet!

Happy Proposing… 😊 😊